We work very hard for you to deliver the best everyday lowest prices for swimming pool heat pumps to you. Sometimes some of the manufacturers that we love, will help us offer a special seasonal promotion that is only available to our customers. Please save this page in your browser to return to it later. The special offers posted in here have been approved by Marcus Miller and he is confident that you will be receiving the highest quality product at a fair price with the best warranty in the industry. All our promotions will include free delivery with a liftgate truck that will lower the unit to the ground for you. In most cases it is possible to have the warranty start when you open your pool for the season instead of the delivery day, but you will need to request this by email to: marc@heatpumpheroes.com or by phone at 18882057766. This is important because maybe your swimming pool is under construction or you are buying your heat pump at the end of the swimming season, and will not be using it until the following year. We like to consider all the options that will work best for you and that will save you time money and possible aggravation. These special offers are for Continental USA only.
For international deliveries, Canada, Hawaii or Puerto Rico you will need a shipping quote.