Hey all you Northern hemisphere people. Late spring is here, and it is time to think about swimming even though this morning I woke up to temperatures in the high 40’s F or below 10C for all you European and South American peeps. Even my Florida, Texas and Arizona friends are still using their heat pumps for their Spas, cold plunge pools or if their pools are in the shade or windy locations. Many people forget that most of the South and Southwest needs heaters and even chillers some parts of the year. Many pool owners need a pool heat pump to keep the water comfortable for almost the whole year. Some use it for exercise or rehabilitation. The temperature in spas needs to be 98 to 104 degrees to be useful. A pool heat pump is a reliable and efficient way to heat it. Don’t panic all my metric and Celsius buddies. That is 104 degrees Fahrenheit. We don’t boil our swimmers in the USA. The planting zone for Northwest Florida is about the same as Seattle. I planted a palm tree last year at my house to make it seem more tropical in the Northwest and it lived through this brutal winter and snowy spring winter. Some swimming pool heat pumps with the defrosting feature will keep heating down to the high 30’s F. outside air temp. That is good for my Aquaculture friends too who need their fish comfortable to grow big and strong. Open your pools early this year. Relax at sunset by your warm pool sipping your favorite drink with your best friend. I want to help you turn all of your Arctic backyards tropical.
We ship regularly to your area and are experts with your climate conditions.
Marcus Miller, President
Green Planet Supply
1 888 205 7766 National Office
360 348 7574 Cell
“Mine is installed and working, I called Marcus a couple times on Saturday, All I can say is he is awesome, and very patient. I did end up calling a local contractor to hook up the desuperheater pump, and the drain valve. the furnace is cranking out the heat.
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