Swimming pool heat pumps are an amazing reliable piece of machinery. They are designed to heat and cool for many years without service. As with all mechanical things at some point, it will need service or repairs. Judging on how much to invest in a repair is an art though. Before you call for service from an HVAC company you should do all the basic troubleshooting yourself to save the cost of a service call. Turn the circuit breaker on and off to reset the computer board. Check if the board lights up? If no display, then call an electrician to see why there is no power to the heat pump. Many display boards will tell you what is wrong with your swimming pool heat pump. 50% of the time when a heat pump won’t run it is because there is a water flow problem. The printed circuit board might tell you that. Then you should check your pool filter to see if it is clean. Check your filter basket and maybe the pump impeller for debris. Then check that the return jets in the pool are at full pressure. Maybe there is a valve in the wrong position not letting enough water flow through the heat pump? Maybe a valve has failed close but still looks open? That will fool most troubleshooters. At some point, you will need a service call to see what is going on. Keep in mind a swimming pool heat pumps life should be 10 to 15 years. You don’t want to put $1,000.00 in an old heat pump that is out of warranty and might even be using the old freon 22 that has been discontinued. You are welcome to text me at 360 348 7574 to run your proposed repair by me to see what I think.
I love keeping old heat pumps going, but at some point, it doesn’t make sense. I just sold a heat pump to a guy with a 17-year-old Focustemp. They were a simple heat pump with a rotary knob as a thermostat. The heat pump lasted 15 years after they went out of business. FYI I use one heat pump factory that is 36 plus years old and still uses a rotary knob on some of their models. So do as much troubleshooting as you can. Look through your manual for the codes of the display. Call me if you can’t figure it out, and get the pool up to temperature as fast as you can because it will be getting cold soon.
Have a great swimming season.
Marcus Miller